
Sunday 19 February 2017

New times ahead

Hey everyone,

After a long, long time of not knowing what to do with this blog and leaving it be. I decided to get back into the saddle and continue with it.
Well not completely in the same way though. Because I'm going to handle this blog in a little bit of a different way than I did before. I will still post stories about what I'm going through, and i will still give you guys tips or DIY's, wherever and whenever I can.

However I took a step a while ago, a decision I never thought I would make. Simply because I was afraid people would judge me for it. I decided to post art I made on instagram.
Some of you might think, was that such a big step to make..? Well yes it was, for me.
Like i said I was afraid that people would judge me for being another amateur artist who want's to become famous etc. etc. I was afraid that people wouldn't like my art. It was scary, and part of it was also that I didn't want to be like every other amateur artist out there. Because that was not and is not what i wanted. I wanted to show people what I like to do. I mean it would be nice to eventually be able to sell some of my work, so I can buy new supplies, try out new things etc. but that is not my main goal. I love drawing, it is a way for me to let go of worries and relieve some of the stress I experience.
In all honesty it wasn't so scary after all and I'm really happy I did it. People reacted to it in a positive way and it feels kind of special to hear from a complete stranger that they like my art.
that is why I decided to also post photo's of my drawings here on this blog. I will maybe post photo's or stories of a project that I'm working on with a friend as well. If i do so I will give an update on that.

So summarizing all of the above, I'M BACK! This blog lives and I will post again, with added and a slightly different content. I'm also planning to give this blog a well deserved update and make it look a little bit different. So it will look clean and fresh again.


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