
Saturday 25 February 2017

Drawing, drawing, drawing....

Hey everyone

Do you guys like the new lay-out?
I'm not sure if I will keep it this way or change it. We'll see.

For now let's talk about something new. Drawing!
As I told you last week, I'm going to post some of my drawings here and I'll talk about them.
Before I do that I wanted to give you guys a bit of an introduction as to me and drawing.

I've been drawing for as long as I can remember. Ever since the moment I was able hold a pen of pencil I've been drawing. And that has been a long time considering I'm now 19.
I remember when I was in "basisschool", I think you can compare it to elementary school or Grade School in the American school system. I loved drawing Manga or at least I loved the style of it. I still do, I just don't like to draw manga anymore, and I'm sort of terrible at it. There also was this girl of whom I thought was an amazing artist! She gave me tips and I still use some of her tips today. So she made a huge impact on me and my love for drawing. She made me want to become better and better. She kind of made me the artist I am today. Strange how people can have such an impact on you. 

However when I was around eleven or twelve years old I knew I wanted to draw for the rest of my life and I started to put my drawings in a map so I was able to save them and look at them at a later age. Which i love doing by the way. Ever since then I've been keeping most of the drawings I was proud of. I'm really happy i did that because I can now see how far I've come.

I changed my style at some point in time. Because I wanted to be able to draw realistic faces and eyes. I'm incredibly intrigued with eyes, always have been. So that period started with me watching YouTube video: how to draw a realistic eye. Man way I proud of that. After that I started to draw more and more faces. I made a lot op portraits mainly of women.

I also started to draw bodies , which I'm still having trouble with and I'm still learning when it comes to human anatomy. Especially hands. Hands and feet are literally the hardest things to draw!

And then came the summer of 2016. I started to bloom, drawing almost became an obsession. Adding to that was the fact that I became better and better. It felt amazing. Because I have a large fantasy. And I am a visual thinker. I always had these ideas in my head and now I was able to draw them. It's just an amazing feeling to have a story in your head and being able to make a certain character come to life!
Ever since the summer of 2016 I thought of myself as a pretty good amateur artist. I was able to show people proudly what I made! So I decideer to do something I always dreamed of doing which was creating an Instagram account and sharing the things I made. It was also the time me and a friend decided to create a story together.

And here I am now. Proud of what I make. discovering my own style.
Some of you may think I'm not good at it, or some of you might not like my drawings and that is okay. I make certain things that some of you might like and some of you might not like. I'm not saying I'm perfect either because I'm still learning and developing my skills.

I hope you guys liked a little background story.
You'll hear from me soon!


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