
Monday 5 January 2015

new year, new start.

Hey Everyone,

2015 has just begon but i wanted to start it the right way. I wanted to show you some DIY ideas to spent your time with instead of doing your homework and paying attention in school ;)

about a week ago i had found 'Pinterest' and i'm already addicted to it. So to share my love for interest and the people who post the best things that i can pin here are some DIY ideas.

first: cat behind the lines.
<3 Do a drawing using every other line of the paper . . . Lizard coming through the blinds? Snake? Possibilities!!!

I allways thought these little drawings were so hard to make but that ain't true. You can do everything and make it as easy or hard as you want. It's so much fun especially when you have got nothing to do in for exaple class.

simple bracelets. DIY TUTORIAL
next: hart bracelet

I think these bracelets are awesome gifts you can make them realy simple like this example, but you also choose to make the string more difficult and creative. Despite the simplicity of the bracelet, I gives people the feeling you realy tried hard to make a special gift for them. That's one thing I love about DIY gifts.

something a bit more advanced... i gues...

Pink Ombre Butterfly Heart/ 3D Butterfly Wall Art / Nursery Decor /Children's Room Decor / Engagement / Wedding Gift

I personaly love this one the most beceaus it isn't realy hard to make but it requires a lot of time and effort.
You don't necessarily need to make them with butterflies but it looks realy cool!
I made one for a friend with strokes from newspapers and it really looked cool.

Unique home deco lighting Teacup Lights interesting unique lampsthe last one: teacup lamp

Are you tired of your old teacups?
Or did you accedentily buy a ton of old teacups?
Well then I suggest you make this. It's something I would love to make or buy one day. I have absolutely no clue how to make it but i felt like sharing it with you.

I hoped you like the ideas. I want to do these things more often. So whenever i find things like these I will post them.


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